I am a PhD candidate at Matthias Nießner’s Visual Computing Group, at the Technical University of Munich.
I’m interested in computer vision, deep learning and optimization. My current research interests are focused on virtual avatars, generative models and 3D scene representations.
Before joining the group, I received a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Munich and a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
In this project, I worked on the SLAM pipeline for an autonomous driving vehicle.
The tools I used for this project are, ROS, C++, PCL library, Ceres Solver, and Google Cartographer.
In addition, I created a ROS package that generates a cost map from a point cloud generated by SLAM. A cost map is a matrix where each cell contains a cost value. This value expresses how likely it is that the cell is occupied by an object. The cost value is also used to express “preferred” surfaces: for example, asphalt is preferred over grass.
In this project, we extended the work of Eisenberger, Zorah, Cremers, “Divergence-Free Shape Interpolation and Correspondence” 1. In their work, they present a method to calculate deformation fields between shapes embedded in $\mathbb{R}^D$. To do so, they compute a divergence-free deformation field represented in a coarse-to-fine basis using the Karhunen-Loéve expansion.