
SLAM for autonomous vehicles

In this project, I worked on the SLAM pipeline for an autonomous driving vehicle.

The tools I used for this project are, ROS, C++, PCL library, Ceres Solver, and Google Cartographer.

In addition, I created a ROS package that generates a cost map from a point cloud generated by SLAM. A cost map is a matrix where each cell contains a cost value. This value expresses how likely it is that the cell is occupied by an object. The cost value is also used to express “preferred” surfaces: for example, asphalt is preferred over grass.

Divergence-Free Shape Correspondence with Time Dependent Vector Fields

In this project, we extended the work of Eisenberger, Zorah, Cremers, “Divergence-Free Shape Interpolation and Correspondence” 1. In their work, they present a method to calculate deformation fields between shapes embedded in $\mathbb{R}^D$. To do so, they compute a divergence-free deformation field represented in a coarse-to-fine basis using the Karhunen-Loéve expansion.

Design of an environment for solving pseudo-Boolean optimization problems

Bachelor’s thesis

Boolean Satisfiability problems (SAT) consists of finding a valid assignment (model) for a set of Boolean variables. It was the first problem proven to be NP-Complete which allowed reducing many NP-Complete problems to it. Because of this, it is one of the pillars of Computer Science.